Behind our cancer diagnosis methods...

When an individual develops cancer, their genome is altered. From a simple blood or tissue sample, Epi One’s groundbreaking cancer diagnosis methods locate the exact elements on a cancer patient's genome that are modified. This allows us to easily detect cancer with high accuracy.

Our innovative DNA-based biomarker identification methods will enable us to mass-produce PCR cancer tests that achieve an industry-leading

95% accuracy rate in tissue biopsy and over 70% in early patient blood samples.

Epi One scientists have a deep understanding of regulating factors behind gene expression. Combining cutting-edge, high-throughput cancer diagnosis methods with our self-developed computational algorithms, we need fewer than 10 genes for diagnosis and prognosis, and can identify highly accurate biomarkers for both tumor-specific and multiple-cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and companion diagnosis.


Now compare that to current cancer screening methodologies. For some tumor types, such as prostate cancer, there is a high false negative rate in the gold standard cancer diagnostic method. And for others, like pancreatic cancer, early diagnosis does not even exist.

Epi One’s DNA-based cancer diagnosis methods change that, providing accurate results in just six hours. Our goal is to make this test ubiquitous at a cost of just $500 per patient, providing highly accurate biomarkers initially for prostate cancer with plans to expand into lung, pancreatic, and other cancers.

Our assay is mass-producible, and is faster and cheaper than sequencing-based technology.

EPIONE ICON Highly Accurate 01



PCR test

EPIONE ICONS 10 Biomarkers Per Test 03

<10 Biomarkers
per test

EPIONE ICONS $500 Per Patient 04

$500 per

EPIONE ICONS 6 Hour Turnaround 05

6 Hour

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